Saturday, June 27, 2020


As he is scheduled to go home to Bicol this weekend or any day soon I was just thinking that I miss some legit vacation. (He made it safely to Bicol, btw) 

As stress and anxiety are consuming me so much these days and with this pandemic and with all the  events that keep on happening I wish that I could go with him to escape. I miss going on a very quick vacation. As if I will choose a quick vacation this time. 

If I really do not think much and I’m so very careless lately, I will really escape. Everything is really too much to handle. I’m already exhausted. 

How can we able to do some quick vacation like we do weekend trips. Will it still possible? Right now, if you decide to travel you should have some papers that you can to travel from point a to b. I know it will not last that way but think of future travels. Will it be as easy or we need to have permits. 

I was watching earlier the video that I made during my first trip to Jakarta and I’m missing that kind of reality. 

Everything really changes in the way we act outside and unfortunately, some people still act the same. 

I know we can all just move on from all of this but can we also not forget that we literally just lost few months in our life. For some its not really too much that you can’t make it a big deal but really how can we keep up with time and day when we lost a few months of the usual normal? It will also take some time to really catch up with life in general. 

As I finish watching #TheLastDance it makes me miss basketball too. Watching live basketball game is an easy escape. 

Right now the only quick escape that I can do is go to the grocery to buy stuff and do some impulsive buy online. Really expensive than doing some quick escape. 

Missing a lot of things lately. 

I’m missing a lot of people too. 

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