Thursday, January 18, 2018

Cluttered Thoughts

There are too much emotion today to the point that I'm being confused about life.

Same things as before, missing the old way of living, the people who we get used to everyday and just the uncomplicated life of before.

I know we got to move forward or else time and day will leave us instantly. I got so much thought earlier that I'm so willing to write and share and to give more time just to reflect but unfortunately, reality hits. I can't have that time to reflect at least for now.

I'm not so sure if I'm just procrastinating to write, blocking the idea of jotting it all down or I just don't want to talk about it at all or maybe lets talk about it. I don't know.

Nothing has change, there are still days that I'm so confused of everything but still keeps going because, reality.

Hopefully, I'll get a day where I will have time to write all my thoughts because even on my personal notes and for the random rants, I already skip and I miss writing it all down.

Too much things since the beginning of this year but thankful for the reminder to atleast appreciate life.

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