Monday, January 21, 2013

Typical Hangout

This is so overdue post ... and so 2012.

It was my birthday last December 27th and I'm happy to be celebrating it with a close friend / true friend / sister / cousin or whatever you want to label my birthmate, Nikka. 

I really don't have any plans for my birthday because, I don't know ... hehe but if there will be no plans at all I'll just stayed home and do the usual lazy day but since Nikka and I planned to see each other that day, you know just to celebrate our birthday and we decided not the day before because we don't want to experience that bullshit we got last 2011So we celebrate as simple as we can as in just the typical hangout we does every now and then. We just got some pizza and spaghetti (my aunt send me a cake the day before .. Thanks for that!) and she got this cocktail drink.  

It rained that night and that sucks because we can't walk outside but maybe it was a blessing after all. We invited a friend good thing he showed up and I gave him an A+ for effort on buying us ice cream but earlier this year Nikka and I dumped him to his circle of friends (he's part of that bullshit we experienced last 2011 but we are still in good terms but earlier this year something happened. I thought last year was the total opposite of it but the result of that invite occurs earlier this year) but on the good side, Nikka's boyfriend was able to stay even for a while.

It was a straight 3 birthday celebration with this girl and I'm happy that we are sticking to each other when everyone around us is so confused with their lives. We might not see each other just like the past year but we both have a simple goal. :)

Thank you to everyone (family and friends) who never failed to remember my birthday. I'll send you billions of virtual hugs and kisses :)

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