Tuesday, November 20, 2018


Is there any base for a person to say that he/she is matured enough?

Is maturity have different level? Or just general?

I think if you claim that you are matured you should be independent too and maybe you are nearly perfect.

We can be matured in one aspect but definitely no idea on how to handle some things.

The root of this was, a friend was ranting about someone who claims maturity and eventually by that person being matured, he feels like he left behind his partner because of it. bs, I know.

For us not to be at the same place, it doesn't mean that those on the first world country is matured enough than the ones at the third world country. Maybe the right term was advanced but let's be honest that certain people know how to face a specific problem than the others but that doesn't mean that the other was left behind.

Witnessed different people in life and even adults I can say that they're not matured enough.

So how come this person claiming maturity at such age?

We never stop learning. We never stop living.

Life doesn't stop when you experience one drastic change. It also doesn't stop when you have a daily routine for years.

Claiming maturity on relationship is very big deal.

At the first place, you should start not being selfish when entering a relationship.

I have a huge different outlook on relationship nowadays and that's for another but one thing, if you are not aware of your own self please do have a time for yourself first before committing to a relationship.

Self care is important.

Your own mental health is very important.

I don't think that I already wrote about the importance of self worth or just anything about ourselves.

How much do you care for yourself?

Obviously I care way too much about me that I only care on sharing much about what's in my head on this blog. This is literally an escape route to me from reality.

Self worth. Self care. Mental health.

It's too cliché when people say learn to love yourself first but it's so true.

I posted before about me talking to myself about stuff and it's one way of analyzing problems and also knowing yourself.

Life is not just about having friends. Yes they have value but the more important is knowing yourself.

Knowing yourself is very important for you to know what you like and what you don't like.

Maybe maturity have its on level that we are not aware of but one thing, claiming maturity is almost close on saying that you are perfect but hello reality, no one is perfect.

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