Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Psychology Majors

this photo has been on my facebook timeline since last night posts/shared by some batch mates and its really funny and somehow true (?) HAHA! I think its very appropriate when we're still on college but I don't know if its applicable after college! Let me share my opinion about this.

how our parents see us - maybe because we are always reviewing, reading something, doing some paper works ..etc.

how our professors see us - they see us like that because for them we are really having a hard time when it comes to their subjects, which is actually true! Most especially when we're going to have examination, quizzes. We do really read and try and do our best just to pass our major subjects.

how the society sees us - YES! that's how society sees us. to prove you that this is so true, when we have a project to ask strangers or people most especially on Quiapo area specifically the vendors. We asked them, what do you think Psychology Majors future work or what do they do and they will answer forecaster of the future.

how the world sees us in the future - talking to kids, helping other people with their problem, trying to give advice and doing your best to listen to friends or other people. (this is so true!)

how we see ourselves -  YEAH! haha we think we are already crazy people and labeling ourselves with different psychological problem ((for example: we're already have  Obsessive Compulsive Disorder when we just want some cleanliness or orderliness on our things or on our area)) maybe because when people ask you "What is your course" and you will answer "Psychology" and they we're like "ahhh .. crazy people". lol

what we really do -  REST, SLEEP, EAT, surf the internet, being lazy all day or just relaxing. we just know how to relax and forget about other people and there will be the time that we'll tell you, I DON'T CARE!

HAHA, whoever did that photo, he/she is fantastic being! HAHA its somehow about joke time or that's REALITY. :) 

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