Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Palawan 2024 . March 26 (Day 5)

Today we wake up early to Port Barton. 

Didn’t know that we were supposed to leave before 6AM our ride was already waiting by 5:30AM. I somehow ranting to my aunt that morning because she knows that we need to be early but she didn’t even bother to wake us up and she usually up by 2AM or 3AM. 

Missing the breakfast buffet once again since we are leaving early so we just dropped by Mcdonalds for our on the go breakfast. 3 hours drive to Port Barton for our first even island hopping for this trip. 

We are somehow running late but to be honest that is just a normal thing if you are traveling with a large group and still Palawan doesn't have traffic so 3 hours drive is literally 3 hours. 

We arrived at Port Barton by 9AM probably just the right time. We are instructed to change on the bathroom that's available so we can be on our swim wear. We left the necessary stuff in the van, I left my footwear and just wore the aqua shoes. 

Our first stop is a mini sand bar with starfish in it. We stayed there for a while then we went to the next stop which a snorkeling area to see some fishes. Then we went to Maxima Island or Albaguen Island according to the location of my photos for lunch and stayed there for 2 hours and so because they cooked our food there.

It was a small island but it was pretty and there’s even a trail going to the other side of the island where you can also go to a view deck so you can see both side of the island. 

We had lunch and left the island after to chase some turtles 

This is not my first time to see a turtle at the open sea but the first time it was a very quick hi since I just saw one when it breathe above. This one is different there was also a nice spot to snorkel where I freaking saw a sea snake. Turtles are hit and miss when it comes to the wild and thankful for my swimming knowledge and the scuba lesson. Lol Every snorkeling spot is different as always but the underwater never disappoints. 

Before I even jump from the boat we already spotted a turtle who took a breath above but then one of us jumped and it went away. 

Out boat guide guide me to see some corals and fishes then after a while we swam to the area where there are also other tourist checking the a turtle swim. I saw it swimming peacefully until it swim down under the deep blue sea and it was a beautiful sight. I wish we have rented a GoPro and I wish I still have a working GoPro. Lol and that makes me think of buying another one but not yet. 

After seeing the turtle they said that was it and we are still lucky to spot one because some days there are probably none. 

Went to another snorkeling spot and as always it was pretty. It rained while we were there but all good. 

Last is a small island where it was my first time to see that kind of sand on the side of the island. Nature doesn't disappoints just stop over thinking while you are swimming in the open water. Lol 

Port Barton is slowly becoming a popular spot for tourist next to El Nido. El Nido is frankly crowded these days most especially now. I figure the difference on the island from Port Barton and I love that we went there now where there are still small tourist population. They said that you must stay there for 3 days but a day trip is also enough. 

We finished just in time for 5PM because we are still going to drive back to Puerto for another 3 hours.

Driving through the sunset with pink skies is always one of my favorite.

After freshen up at the hotel we went to Guni Guni restaurant where we had pasta and pizza then a scoop of gelato on the way back to the hotel. 

The next day should’ve been Honda Bay tour but the agency didn't confirm our booking since we didn't even paid a downpayment so we just took that as a sign to rest. 

My Photographs: Palawan 2024


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