Monday, May 13, 2024

Bohol 2024 . April 1 (Day 1)

Second destination for this vacation with family from Canada, Bohol.

I've never been to Bohol but my thinking is that if ever I will go with either Bohol or Cebu it should be together since it’s just 2 hours away from each island but with this short trip we’ll just be visiting Bohol. 

I always wanted to visit Bohol and I never knew that there were a lot more to do than just see the Chocolate Hills. 

Our flight for Bohol is at 2PM and we left the house by 11PM and we are already at the airport by 12nn. We don't have a check in baggage this time since we are just going to stay there for just 4 days 3 nights. The flight was okay and good thing it was somehow sunny since there are much more to see from the plane during that flight. 

We checked in right away when we arrived in there and I thought that our villa was somehow near the beach but I was wrong. Since I never searched about Palawan except the time Port Barton was mentioned. I told myself that I will do some research about Bohol but it was a fail so I became a tourist as well in Bohol. We booked via agency our tour so nothing to worry about and the whole stay is jam packed and our only free day was our first day. I wanted to swim as well when we arrived but we are still going out for dinner. 

We had dinner near Alona Beach which is the famous site for tourist. Thai food for dinner and bought some bread since we had nothing near our villa where we are staying. 

We stayed at Quest Villa. 

And that’s our first day. 

My Photographs: Bohol 2024

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