Thursday, May 16, 2024

Bohol 2024 . April 4 (Day 4)

Our flight back to Manila will be 4PM meaning we can go to the airport by 2PM.

During our drive on our Countryside tour to Chocolate Hills (day 2), we passed by a sign about whale shark and since I'm seated on the passenger side the driver, Rey mentioned it that they also have a whale shark watching and I'm so surprised. On this trip even when we are still in Palawan we came to a conversation on why they chose Palawan and what are the option that they have during planning this trip. They mentioned Cebu and since my sister went there already they tell what they did there like the canyoneering but they haven’t done the whale shark since you have to drive 4 hours to get to Oslob and for them driving that long is waste of time and I also thought that. I do plan to do that if ever we go to Cebu but that long drive? I'm not so sure. 

So when I realized that you can do it in Bohol, I'm already interested on it. I asked about the price, the time but I'm so worried because our days are already packed and the only window was early morning of our last day. Rey answered my question about the price, time and would you ever believe that the time for whale shark watching is just in the morning. I want to celebrate already because for sure they want to do it knowing that it will fit our schedule for our last day though there’s another catch, sometimes he said that there are no whale shark. Yikes. 

So right when they woke up from nap, I told them about the whale shark watching and I was so right that they are so game to do it. 

Right after we were dropped off on out first day of tour, I made sure that we are going to do the whale shark so Rey can already put us on his schedule. 

Days later here we are driving to the whale shark watching. Yay! 

I think we headed to Jollibee that morning so we can have breakfast on the go. From Alona beach I think it was an hour drive to the whale shark watching. 

I'm so excited and nervous to do this. 

When we get there, we paid fees and we went to briefing where they will remind you about stuff, you can also rent fins and of course, GoPro. We rented GoPro because it is a must and they will give you the SD card after too. 

Again here we go to the praise that our guide is good on taking photos and videos but dang same as before, they do stop it right before a good one. Smh 

Anyways, the whale shark watching is so near too that you can honestly swim and not take a tiny boat again but of course they can't risk batch of people to swim to the area.

We paddled to the area and we already saw one following a kayak that was feeding it. The whale sharks in there are not as big yet but wow. 

I can't wait to jump with fins and all because I don't want to be sea sick in here because the waves are crazy. 

OMG it was so pretty and huge! Huhu my heart is so happy. 

Once you are out there I believe you are allowed for 1 hour and that was one of the best 1 hour of my life. 

At first I let them have the GoPro so they can film the aunties and while they take care of the aunties, we swim away to see the other whale sharks. There are 3 in total by that time, one was following the kayak feeding it and 2 on the feeding area. I was somehow with Jen the whole time and we checked the feeding area and just taking in all the view and right in there too there was another one beneath us. Since we both did the scuba lesson we can now communicate underwater. Lol 

Thankful that with all the snorkeling we did at least during whale shark watching, I got a working snorkel because from Palawan to Bohol I always get a faulty one. Made me think to buy my own snorkeling set. 

If you search about whale shark watching in Cebu or even in Bohol you will just pretty much see the same thing but it is really different if you see it in person and just really enjoy it. Realizing that these creatures exist with us in this lifetime is crazy and to see them on the open sea is crazier. Mind blown. I just enjoyed every minute of is and of course before our times up, we have to have a good group picture / video since the aunties are done with it already and I'm not sure of they got a good photo with a whale shark because that one time that they supposed to have a good shot, I was blocking them. Haha I just realized while watching the videos that was taken. 

Mind blown and speechless. It was a pretty sight. 

On our way back to our villa we asked Rey any recommendation on where to eat lunch and he brought us to Susan’s Kilawin and I think it is a popular place for local and tourists too and since we get there before lunch time, we are the only customers. 

Right after our early lunch we headed back to our villa to clean up and pack. 

It was a little hard to pack because I bought some banana chips and I don’t have a check in baggage this time but since I’m a good packer all the souvenirs fit on my 2 bags. Yay. 

We checked out before 1PM and headed to the airport. Our flight is at 4PM so we just waited there and had some light snack. 

And that ends our Bohol trip which I believe we all fell in love with the place and we thinks that we can still do more.

I personally don’t mind going back because I still want to try scuba diving again and to be honest I’m so interested to learn free diving. I haven’t swim for so long and these trips with all the open water I want to swim again. Maybe begin with the pool then finally head back to the ocean. One day. 

We met family for dinner when we get back in Manila since my aunts and cousin will be flying back to Canada the next day. 

Thank you to the aunties for this trip and fortunately my cousin and her husband enjoyed it too and they are considering going back and that makes my aunt happy. Till next time! 

My Photographs: Bohol 


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