Monday, May 20, 2024

Book . The Courage To Be Disliked


I never thought I’ll be able to finish this book because to be honest I did struggle finishing this. Mostly I’m kinda bored with the dialogue set up of the book that sometimes I can’t get what are we really talking about in here. 

Maybe it’s just me. I started reading this after my last book (Some People Need Killing) and to be honest it is hard to top that for a moment because it was a very interesting topic.

Since this is a psychology book I thought that I’ll be interested 100% of the time but no. If you are willing ti understand Adler more then you might want to consider this book. 

Luckily on my flight during the vacation I had I was able to read more because there’s nothing to see at a night flight. Lol 

This is a good book as long as you have a 100% attention to it because to be honest I got so many distractions the past months. 

I learned from this book no matter how I think it made me bored. 

Gave it 4 stars on Goodreads. 

“Life in general has no meaning”

The Courage to be Disliked | Ichiro Kishimi


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