Monday, May 06, 2024

Palawan 2024 . March 25 (Day 4)

How come that it is already day 4 for this 2 weeks vacation. 

Woke up at 6AM so I can still eat and since the breakfast buffet is not yet opened by 6AM I was able to eat my Ver De meal as breakfast so I can be done with breakfast by 7AM before our scuba diving lesson at 8AM. 

I almost bailed on this but ever since they are planning the lesson I already said yes but upon thinking on where are we going to dive in Puerto alone, I almost bail on it. I had to confirm that we will be out in the ocean to have the full experience before I said yes again. 

Thankfully I did say yes to this once in a lifetime experience that might be a start of a new hobby? Lol 

I was nervous at first but since we love the ocean and swimming I’m also excited I just don’t know how to be able to absorb all the basic and the techniques in such a short period of time. 

We watched a video about the basic stuff then after we signed a consent / agreement and took a short quiz based on the video we just watched. 

Next stop, the open water. 

I know some do start in a pool but here we go straight to the ocean. 

We head to Baybay (Baywalk) and road a motor boat to the Prestine Beach and we had our basic lesson in there. 

Now it is the most exciting part. Rhian our instructor was a very good one and I almost switch instructors but good thing I stayed with him. He taught us about the basic which is learning our gear, the sign that can be used to communicate underwater and also some techniques on how to adjust the ear with the pressure and how to remove water on your goggles underwater. It is complicated to think of but once you are there all you have to do is never stop breathing and appreciate the underwater. I learned a lot from the techniques and it is pretty useful even you are just doing some snorkeling. 

When we started swimming Rhian just put us on some sea grass and I was like what is happening is this all that we will be able to see in here? Until I saw some fish and yep this is the real deal. Hehe 

We stopped a few but I actually didn’t mind because I think Carlo was struggling with something maybe panic attack or the fear of swimming in the open water. I get it and he was about to give up but then I told him that he will never stopped until he haven’t seen anything nice underwater. Rhian was so patient that he knows that on the 3rd time Carlo signed up that he might give up so he made us lay on our back while he drags us and apparently he was looking for something nice for us to see when I thought he was just like giving us some rest. Lol 

After the time that we saw something nice I was the one who signed up and that was it for our first dive. Rhian took us to that motor boat while we wait for Jen and Brian. Carlo wasn’t feeling well apparently and the waves is not helping that I can almost feel sea sick already but I can still do this I just don’t want to eat even they are offering some banana and some chocolate cupcake. 

It took a while when we waited for Jen and Brian and I’m somehow feeling uneasy too but I took a banana and ate one before our 2nd dive. We rested for a bit they taught a technique to look somewhere that is not moving and in that case a coconut tree from afar so we will not be sea sick. 

On our 2nd dive it was only me and Jen who continued and I thought that it will just be a practice for a deep dive but there’s actually some good things to see there. I believe at some point that they are the one who is responsible for the area. 

1:1 is really much better but Rhian said that they can do 1 instructor up to 6 students at a time good thing we are just 4 that day and we have 2 instructors. I can’t imagine the chaos having 6 students in one go. 

They said we went to almost 22 feet (7 meters) deep during our 2nd dive. I’m usually slow on measuring stuff that I don’t really made a huge deal about it that I just want to experience scuba diving but learning that we went that deep is pretty amazing. 

After that 2nd dive I didn’t feel well that I throw up just when I’m about to climb the boat and that includes that banana that I just ate before the 2nd dive and some of my breakfast. Lol 

It was funny because right when I throw up fishes eat it and somehow I feed some fish. Haha 

It was a lot better under the water than being on the boat. 

They said that throwing up have different reasons on why it happened and I think it was the pressure for me and I’m not sure but the other instructors said that it still happens to them sometimes. 

Scuba Diving is actually a lot of things and if you are doing it you must be 100% prepared not just physically but mentally. 

Made me scared about my left ear because there was a very tiny pitch that I heard while we are going deep. I was already considering seeing an ear doctor just to have it checked but luckily it went okay after. 

Times when you know one basic surviving technique which is swimming and you actually love it. Hehe. Comes very handy.

When we went back to Baybay (Baywalk) it was almost lunch time. I can imagine that it will be done for just a half day. I love morning when I’m on vacation. 

The other instructor (sorry wasn’t able to get her name) recommended Badjao Seafront and Noki Nocs and since it is near their office we just walked there and meet the others for our late lunch. 

Here’s the catch, we don’t have any proof that we did Scuba Diving that day. No photos and not even a certificate saying something that we did a beginner or basic lesson. I asked about why not even one photo or have a GoPro as pictures and all they said that they put their students first than thinking of taking a video or photos. I get that reason but at least they need some photos to promote them. You know what, yes I did scuba diving. 

My aunts are demanding it and we are just like what happened stays there. Joking that we have to contact each other that we really did it just to confirm if anybody asks. Haha 

Noki Nocs have good food and as claimed the best halo-halo in town. 

It was almost 3PM after that late lunch and I want to go to Robinsons unfortunately riding a tricycle is not as okay as it is not permitted to be on the main road so we go the alternative route but it is a very long ride and very bumpy. I didn’t expect them to go with us at Robinsons but I learned that we go as a group wherever. 

Bought another shorts since the stitch of what I brought is broken and other aunt need some leggings for the swim that we will be doing. Then we hang at a cafe in there that I thought of wasting time instead of getting to Badjao Seafront for the view while the sun is still up as I said, we go as a group and I remembered to be chill I just wish that the food is really that great as it is recommended by a lot of people. 

I forgot how far Badjao Seafront restaurant to the city good thing the tricycle driver are friendly. They waited for us since it is hard to get a ride back to our hotel in that area. 

Food is good and thankful that we had good seats. At least after a long ride it was proven that the restaurant is very much demanded and I believe that they love the food there. 

On our way back to our hotel we almost got into a bad accident since there was a road repair happening then our tricycle miscalculated his way and the other side of the tricycle went to the deep uneven road good thing his motor is good too and nothing serious happened but that was so close. 

Back safe to our hotel after a very long day. I showered then bed time. 

My Photographs: Palawan 2024

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