Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Bohol 2024 . April 2 (Day 2)

Our tour today is the Countryside which includes the very famous Chocolate Hills and Tarsiers. 

We started to travel to Chocolate Hills by almost 9AM since there was a mixed up with our driver that day. It still took us maybe 2 hours to get there but you will not feel it since the drive is mesmerizing with such view and be reminded with the simple life in the province. 

As per our driver, Rey we should start first on Chocolate Hills and since we are doing the ATV which will also take time so ATV first before lunch. 

ATV was so fun. I've been wanting to do it for so long and now that I've experienced it I want to do it more. I wish we can have unlimited time to stroll around Chocolate Hills but we are just allowed with 1 hour. At the other end of the ATV we climbed up one hill where you can take a picture with posing however you like but the tour guide are so good on taking pictures and videos already. Our guide said that it was just 160 steps to climb but man that was a challenge too because on how steep it gets. 

After the pictorial we had some fresh buko drinks and light snack while enjoying nature then we went back to where we come from. 

Our driver was supposed to still bring us to another view deck of the Chocolate Hills but since we took a long time during the ATV and all, we never went there already since we are still going to the Loboc Floating Restaurant for late lunch. He was driving so fast because we might missed the lunch since there was a cut off by 2:30PM. 

After Chocolate Hills we went to Man-made forest where we already passed by our drive earlier and man in was pretty. I didn't record a video but I just saw one of a dramatic falling of leaves and I regret not filming it something that you will just see on a movie scene. Man-made forest is so beautiful that I wish everyone will really save our mountains and trees most especially now. We just took some quick pictures in there then we quickly went to see the Tarsiers. Good thing the Tarsiers just took less than 30 minutes then we hit the road again to be at lunch before closing. Tarsiers are freaky somehow but also cute. Lol

We made it to our late lunch and probably almost the last batch before closing. On the receiving area where you will pay for the Loboc Floating Restaurant, there was a sign on where was the water level of one of the typhoon that passed by Bohol in 2021. (I just researched it and wow I never imagined that place being ransacked by a typhoon) 

Lunch was good not that great but okay but it will also depends on the batch of people you will go with on how they will interact with other guests overall all we all enjoy it and of course the view.

After lunch we went to XZOOTIC Animal Park and Butterfly Garden where I’m not sure why do they use the word “python” on tour because it is not very common here to have a snake interaction there are few but still I wonder. When we get there the first thing was the preserve snake named Samantha a Burmese Python who died in 2015. Maybe she was the popular one or the bigger before then I saw it, an area where all the Burmese Python are just free on that area of the park. I was overwhelmed that I didn't took any videos and just went to the two who are coiled together and the other one is on the process of shedding. There are at least 10 or 15 snakes that are scattered on the area and we are only people in that place already that I got to enjoy the view but only focuses on the few snakes. One just eaten and we probably just missed it a few hours and that one was the only one moving and most of the others are sleeping. While we are enjoying it we heard my aunt shouting that they don't want to see the snakes because they are afraid of it good thing there’s another way to get to the end of the park but there’s a crocodile that’s caged in but that is okay with them. Lol I'm so game not to go to the other attraction because I'm already satisfied to be just surrounded by snakes and my heart is so happy. There are some peacock and an owl too but I went back to check on the snakes again before going to the butterfly area but I don't want to leave!! Huhu 

Last on our tour was “Bohollywood” a place where there are some landmarks from several places. There’s the Eiffel Tower, Leaning Tower of Pisa, Golden Gate Bridge, The Merlion, Big Ben and some unfinished ones. It was okay it was good for photos and the place is still neat. There are description of each landmark but if you will ever get there please read and compare it to Wikipedia because it was clearly copy paste with hyperlinks. Haha we checked and it was so hilarious. 

The last one is at the souvenir shop yet again but this one where we went to they got everything from food to ref magnets and to clothes. 

On our drive back we asked of we can be dropped on the food place that's already near our villa which is Kun’s Stick and Bowl. We tried to eat there on our first night but it was full, good thing tonight we can be accommodated. 

That was our 2nd day in Bohol. Goodnight. 

My Photographs: Bohol 

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