Monday, July 31, 2017

Random . July 2017

Hi July. How come this year is a bit faster. 

A part of me is sad about this Hayley and Chad. :(

Oh you didn't do anything wrong, I just don't like pa-cute people. Lol 

How busy we all are, always find a way or make a day for rest. We might not need it but our body needs it. 

Don't forget to take photos to boost your online status sht.

There's only 10% of reality on every post you make. 

Yeah. Just take all the credit to feed your self-esteem.

Come on all your plans are shit. I don't want to entertain it. 

Why not invite more people for more witness? Oh yeah so you can get all the credit. 

Man, you can't hide. You're not good at it since you love attention. Lol 

When ideas are coming at the middle of the night. 

While doing this project, it help me to be motivated to do our LA Union trip video. It's been a month and few weeks and it just hit me. 

Time to make them amazed to all of your story. Make them believe on everything. They may buy it but don't fool yourself, we all know the truth. 

I guess it was a success. 

Why am I feeling I'm the youngest. Maybe I am? 

Editing photos for my Tumblr. 

If only it's easy to spill it all out. If we do spill it all out what will you do? Judge, obviously you will not care on the why's and you will never get my reasons. 

It's not that I'm protecting the reputation it's that we got to save someone from your judgement. 

Tumblr is good until December maybe. Yes! Haha. 

Can't wait to hangout with the bebe gurl this weekend! 

Appreciating the down time. 

Stay there. 

Just being on our normal hyper night. 0712 

That is included since everything matters. 

Sometimes we just got to protect ourselves and the closest from the judgemental world. 

Low profile. Lol. 

Done for the week. 

How I've missed Lhea. :)

Jeeptrip past midnight is one of my favorite. 

I realized that I need at least once a month mall trip with or without anyone. Need some outside inspiration to write. 

Good thing I don't witness it. 

I asked you. 

Come on. Don't make bullshit reason when I know it's not that valid. 

If I could just do it. Haaay. #mantra 

What a timing. F #mantra 

Got my extra phone back. Yay. 

I just feel like crying for this insecurity hitting at 2am.

Thinking of letting go of my social media account as well as to some people but then this song came up. #TheBreakup 

Trying to impress me by talking about my band? Don't go there. 

Oh F. 

Oh yeah even if you found me online, you will never know everything. 

Hunting for that platform. The hype is f real. Hahaha 

Hey home court. Hi. Bye. 

Impromptu meet up for the nth time. Thank you for understanding and influencing me the hype. Lol. 

Amazing race just for the platform. Worth it. 

Heartbreaking to know another musician ended his life. It's just so sad that we can't save the people who literally save and help us to go through our own. I've been thinking about this all day. :( #RIPChesterBennington

Some people just don't know how to play the game. 

So good to have a natural laugh because of a movie. #KitaKita 

I already plan to go home but it started to rain. Maybe the universe is telling me to stay away for a little more time from hometown since I'll be stuck in there maybe until end of the month. No complain I love being in home court. 

Haaaaaay #mantra. 


Some people just really don't think. 

Hehe. OA mo kasi. 

Oooppsss. Zipping my mouth shut. 

Everything is really f in this country.

Ranting online should be controlled. Seriously. Collect your shit. 

Do yourself a favor and stop stalking people as your past time. 

When I'm not in earphones, I eavesdrop a lot. Lol

Why people always look for someone who's not in front of them? 

Linkin Park is my jam ever since the news about Chester and it's somehow becoming a cure of heartache. 

When you know you don't have patience in your body don't volunteer. 

Some people don't really appreciate things? They are literally ate by hatred.

Of course it should be self first than others. Man you don't fit in there. Smh

Why do I expect you to understand? I don't even have to explain. Just deal with it if I say I can't. 

When on my dream, you're still the one missing on movie night at home court. 

You think you know everything but what if it's all lie since you don't experience it first-hand, it's just all hearsay. 

I've been out for the last 2 weekend, why am I being angry not being out there today. 

Mind is tricky most of the time. 

I stop midway so I can give way to emotions. I miss you, daddy. :( 

I love that CSI Cyber is on re-run on AXN.

I think its time to catch up on NCIS 

Whoa. It shouldn't be broadcasted!

Some people don't really know how to handle specific situations.

Again, I'm thankful for my TV series. 

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