Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Random . July 2024

Am I getting better or worst? Feeling light headed since last night and I’m making delay everything

I know that M will never be back but if I’m wrong I’m sure that I will still be running to him for a hug 

huhu broke my move streak today - 07.05.2024 

Sleepy all week long

End up at 5AM when I decided to work at night on a weekend as long as my laptop has battery 

There’s a part of my recent dream that you are telling me not to ever try to look for you. #21

Megamall on a Monday

Didn’t expect that I will be in Megamall for the whole day and now I end up shopping a little. I’m good not going to any mall for the next 3 months. Lol 

17k steps while in Megamall all day. I’m tired 

Leg day for 2 days! 

Few minutes of break then we hustle again

Oops someone is not aware of the dates now. Lol 

These thoughts that keeping me awake again until 5AM is insane 

My insomnia is at its worst 

I’m so sleepy

The lack of sleep is showing and I’m fucking hate it. 

London. - 07.12.2024 

Such a new distraction and I never spill such words

Then it will just be like the other guys 

Busy weekend

Melatonin to the rescue before I cry again to sleep 

Anxiety is so high right now

Letting go is easy when you don’t expect anything

There’s too much melatonin in my system now. Lol 

Dynn as a low key Jack Jack in my dream. Lol 

Karma might be the real bitch

Is it going to be today already or we have to postponed it again

I really hate using phone in the morning

Staycation or just give it up for the silence 

Staycation ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

No matter how pretty a hotel room can be, you will always find more comfort on your own

Weekend is to have a cry fest

Sucks to be on this side of the world

I thought this was a birthday celebration apparently you can’t avoid gossip in here. And WTF she’s not done yet! 

Oh no rainy day. All I want to do is sleep. 

Raining all day is a little bit of my weakness

To be so in love like Hayley Williams

I’m reading a book again! Need 8 more to reach this year’s goal and now I just want to read all day. 

Will I have the weekend to rest

I think I’ll bleach my hair this weekend

To still be in bed by 2PM. #weekend 

One more book, done! 

Emptied my last Blue Ruin

All-nighter while watching The Eras Tour from Munich, Germany 

Is it okay to smile, to laugh or be happy for a moment? No? Okay. 

Procrastinating at its finest. 

Was able to watch from start till finish The Eras Tour tonight. 

Spent 1 hour watching people having ball python as a pet in this country and as much as I want to I think I still can’t. 

#dream visited Hayley at her home and we’re friends? WTF!!! 

Some things you can’t really avoid 

People will never ever understand and I’m very much aware of it. 

Weird dreams forever. 

Love and hate relationship with end of the month. 

Thanks, July. 

Saturday, July 27, 2024

3 Months

Despite all the sad and happy moments
The last 3 months without you,
I'm still figuring out how to go on
Wishing you show up unexpectedly
Somehow wanting to call or text
But nothing

I think this is the longest of nothing
And it's just a start
Caught myself on random days
Revisiting a memory
Most days, I'm good
Getting used to days without you again
After years of having you or not really

For now, I'll count
Maybe until this year ends
Eventually I will stop 
Without even noticing 

09.29.2023 10:28

Sunday, July 21, 2024


Where are you
Do I still want to know or not
Maybe not anymore
Since the universe tells so 
Maybe I just have to accept
That you went home to Bicol
For good and you will never
Coming back in Manila 

Maybe that's the lie
I have to believe
As part of closing
This chapter
Still processing it all
Hopefully I will fully accept 
As this year
In a few weeks
Come to an end too

11.13.2023 04:41

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Save Me


I need you to save me
Wrap your arms around me
So I will not be bothered by them
Once again claim me as yours
And never let me go

With all the preys around
I don't want to be eaten alive
I only want you
But what if you don't want to
What if you don't like to 
What if you think it is not worthy anymore

07.20.2023 12:01

Tuesday, July 02, 2024


Almost the end of June and I haven’t written about this day. 

I’m not sure if it was announced prior to the ticket selling but I knew about it on the same day. I honestly didn’t thought of it much I just knew I had to see her again after so long. I used to see Kitchie Nadal way back in 2005 and 2006 when she used to perform at SM Megamall cinema it was how “small show” happened in here before, I think. 

Weeks early, I searched for her Spotify to play her music and I was surprised that she have other albums! Haha I was so disappointed to myself not knowing about it but I’m here to catch up I even put schedule on listening music because it was so hard to get away from Billie’s new album and Clancy. I listen now to OPM at night only and in the morning or while I’m out it’s my usual. 

So weird to be out on Sunday but we are out for Kitchie! I left home by 2PM so that I will not be in a rush or something I don’t want to be caught up on rain and we’re will luckily it didn’t. Planned where to eat and where to go already and since I’m so anxious because it was Sunday and I knew people are usually out by Sunday good thing the restaurant I planned to stay in is not as full and I was able to stay for almost 2 hours. 

I was roaming at Gateway and saw that the lines outside are still long but eventually I decided to lined up already because we don’t have any other thing to do anyway. 

Show was supposed to start by 7PM but people are still lining up to enter so it started about 7:30PM and lasted until 10PM. I enjoyed it so much and would you ever believe that at random distribution of ticket of ticketnet, I got front row seat! I’d like to think that I’m one of the few who purchased as soon as I saw it and I will never forget the time I purchased that ticket. I was in line at the bank and silently freaking out. 

I don’t have much expectation about this show I just want to enjoy and once again see Kitchie perform but days prior to the show, the hype is so real on Kitchie’s Facebook Page teasing of the practice with her co-musician that makes me a little excited since I knew that Barbie will be there as well as Lougee!!! 

No expectations and I just I enjoyed it so much though I’m not sure I enjoyed it in a formal way of sitting but it is much better because once Kitchie approach the crowd they went wild. Omg. 

They mentioned that this was her first solo concert and I think that’s why I took so many videos and pictures since I haven’t been to a local artist solo concert (if my memory serves me right). 

Also I was able to meet her just for picture and free signed poster. Yay! 

You want to know who stole Kitchie’s limelight to me that night? When freaking Nina Sandejas walked in front of me to take photos of Kitchie and I’m seated front row!!! Damn admiring 2 artists in a night. 

There are few other more guests too including Kate Torralba, Monty of Mayonnaise, Zild Benitez and Kitchie’s mom who played the piano and I got stunned that I didn’t take a photo or a video of that. 

It was a successful one and hopefully it will not be her last. 

Upon meet and greet aka photo op, I was the first to walked up to her and I don’t have much word I just mentioned to her that I used to watched her on SM Megamall cinema back then and she was puzzled. Haha I was on the first batch to take photo with and it was a quick meet and greet since there bunch of people and it was already 11PM. I knew that small talks are going to happen after the first few batch. 

I super enjoyed it maybe since I didn’t expect anything from that night. Though I discovered some sad songs that she didn’t played that night that I wished she did. 

To more live OPM artists but do I listen to them regularly? Lol