Monday, June 25, 2012

Random Talk

Nowadays, we are surrounded by different phone brands and style, certain post of people on twitter or on facebook are question on "What phone to get?" most especially if they are upgrading their mobile phones.
I don't know what will be the ending of this post but I'm trying not to be biased and just being a practical person who will give you advice on where to spend your money.

Personally, I got my first phone when I was 11 or 12 years old and I did own a Nokia 5110 and after so many years mobile phones changed a lot. Last time I tweeted "Is the iPhone 4/4s the new Nokia 5110?" because I think everyone is getting an iPhone right now, lets begin with it.

iPhone - iPhone has been upgrading since they released their first unit back then and last year they released the 4s where you'll have your secretary/friend Siri together with the upgraded iOS5 (not to mention the coming iOS6 that will be released soon). If you don't know what I'm talking about then iPhone might not be suits to you. Apple is very good investment but you should think a million times before getting it and its not just about the application (if you are after the apps then I think you should just get the New iPad or the iPad 2 and just spend your extra money on an Android phone, a Blackberry, a Nokia, or on a Cherry Mobile or on a my|phone (trying to get on those after). You should also consider your lifestyle on getting a phone.
Certain things that you should be aware of are: iPhone is better if you have wi-fi at home, or you can register on certain promo of your service provider (which is a pain in the pocket) so you can have the whole world in your mobile phone, if talking about application: you should have an Apple ID so you can download on Apps Store or spend 500PHP - 1000PHP for some mobile technician to put certain games/apps on it and Emoji don't appear on other phones. Apple have a new product almost every year.

Blackberry - is famous for its Blackberry Messenger also known as BBM (that you can only use it with person who also using blackberry) bbm is so nice unlimited texting, sending pictures, sharing files, sending music, its nice if you got your friends on bbm even though they are on different service provider or even when you're on a different country (Apple's iMessage cannot beat BBM). Blackberry is good on texting and calling and having few songs but using it as an internet all day phone is a NO, because most of their batteries are just good for a day. On the good side, (as for my experience) I can put files like word documents, power point and excel. Some Blackberry phones have an auto focus on the camera app while some don't have. If you want a phone that you will feed some games app then Blackberry is not for you, mostly its for business people or for people who just want a smart phone that its not that complicated. There are also some affordable promo from different service provider for you to use the different social networking apps and also be connected on the internet.

Android Phone - Android phones are the cheapest smart phone that anyone can have but choose a nice unit of phone but as far as I know and as I see other people, mostly they're using a Samsung, I don't know  what comes next but you have SO MANY choices like:
  • LG (I'm not familiar to it but some unit have a nice look)
  • HTC (which have a nice look and screen display and also in favor to a music lover)
  • Samsung (have the cheapest phone (I think) on the market and also an expensive one and the S series particularly the S2 and S3 which is the phone that compete with the iPhone
  •  ..... that's the only thing that I know about Android Phones ...
Android phones are the best alternative if you can't afford an iPhone (just choose the right one). If you want a phone where you can put so many game apps and different social networking apps and have limited budget, then an Android phone is for you. It's also good of your home is a wi-fi spot so you can be connected on the internet and download some apps for your phone and most of the paid apps on iPhone are mostly free on the Android Market / Google Play.

Nokia - I'm really not familiar on the new Nokia phones I just knew that its already a Window Phone and I only knew few people who are using Nokia but Nokia phones are still the friendly phones out there most especially if its for parents or kids that are first time users.

If you are upgrading your phone you should consider a lot of things, think about it million times before buying, if it will suits your lifestyle, your budget, is it going be be useful to you whether your a student or working. Consider the specification of the product, read some reviews, watch some reviews on youtube, ask some people who are using it, ask some people who are familiar to such things. There are so many things to consider yet there are also different pros and cons of each. Better know on how long you can use it, if you are not worrying on the budget (when you can buy anything, GO buy it) but sometimes think or read some article if there will be another one by couple of months or weeks. Just read, watch and ask, there are no wrong by learning on a specific product most especially that the internet is just there most of the time.

Think million of times and if you came to the point that you can't stop thinking about a specific unit then you already know what you want but if a family member gave you something that you might not want or something just be thankful. :p

I hope this helps. lol

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