Friday, August 02, 2024

Book . Fix

I finished my last book in April and now I badly need to start reading again since I need to reach my 10 books goal on Goodreads. 

One more reason why it took me awhile because I was contemplating with what book to read next because I might get bored on any non-fiction that I will end up not picking up my kindle  and I’m not sure if I’m ready to read some romance. 

For an easy read and to be able to finish I go with romance and once again tried to read Molly McAdams again. Before when I came back to reading I noticed that I always go to Colleen Hoover but now I tried Molly McAdams again. 

I’m currently 50% into the book and I’m enjoying it. 


How I wish I can be somehow like Rae who can travel by land whenever and just live from city or state then jump into another one when it time to move on. It’s not the reality we live in but I’ve seen some people who are living on a trailer who do that for sure it isn’t easy but life will always have pros and cons. 


I finally finished the book and I enjoyed it really. Brought me again to the other world to escape the reality and I really love how books make you escape life for a moment. 

When I started reading again years ago I chose to do Young Adult or Romance and I never get tired of it even reading all the series if it comes from one but now as of the moment, I decided not to read a series. I never read anything like Harry Potter that comes from series but I think I’ll be bored. I might say it early but I change my mind once in a while and depend on my mood but for now that will do. Maybe read the next book months or a year later who knows. 

I don’t usually do review thoroughly so that’s for it already. Lol 

I just got lost sometimes on the shifting of scene and sometimes on conversation without proper way to shift but if it’s just me then maybe I’m the problem. Haha 

The twist is just okay but I hate it like most of the revelation are already at the latter part which it should be but putting a bunch of information in one page to reveal something is just too much. 

Also why does all of the confession are mostly during s*x? Can people not have just a normal conversation like in real life? Lol I know this is fantasy but seriously thankful for Nathan as a break from all the love scene. 

The book/story reminds me of this song - People That I Love Leave (Cassadee Pope)

Gave this 3 stars on Goodreads just because but seriously I enjoyed the escape. 


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