Friday, May 06, 2016


The one that I've been talking to everyday 
The one that I've been thinking most of the time
The one that's making me happy
For the first time after months
We were seated next to each other

In a few minutes that it happened 
I once again felt that the world stopped 
Or it felt like it was just me and you in it
It wasn't awkward at all 

I can't explain how it feels
I was thinking about it ever since
It's so weird but
I'm happy and content 
I'm comfortable and I felt so safe 

It's even unexplainable because
Even we just personally met
I felt so proud that I know you 
I know the soft side of you 

I didn't push for it but you make it happen
It was real even it was a short one
I keep reminding myself that it happened 
That it was not an imagination
And definitely not just a dream


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