I didn't hit the one year mark and I think it will just be a good-friday-habit. Just once a year? Its better than not having any chance. Hopefully it will be a different from last year. #mantra
WTF. All I thought it will be a friendly dinner but why do I feel different? Are you a user now? Makes me want to cancel.
If this day will end differently than I thought then I saw it coming.
I think you can make the decision on the spot because that's what you do but I appreciate the effort.
Maybe your sober for days now.
The complications of life.
All ended on the good side of things. I think it will never end that way. My bad if I conclude something unacceptable.
Thinking of my next ink is a bit hard. Why.
I thought I will be able to defend myself from one of his friends but I was wrong. Who will believe me when no one knows the real deal/the real story/the truth behind our friendship? No one. And you are telling lies about me, what for? Protection? Or something else? Its not funny. I hope our conversation will be delivered to you sooner than later. With the kind of technology today, I hope he already sent you a screen cap of that. #17 040815
If I explained everything, will you do your best just to understand all of it or you will use all of your willpower not to understand a single word?
"Somethings are better left unsaid".
If you're not involved why get yourself involve? It's not a party.
Close minded people everywhere. I hope my patience will last.
Then I wondered ...... But I don't want to go on that thought. #17
There's too many new faces on this episode of Criminal Minds but NOAH FROM TWD IS A GUEST TOO!!!!! Omggg. I think I'm the only one who do fan girl moments when I'm seeing other stars from another series to another.
Since you already mentioned his name I decided to tell you the latest. Haha. We're not "close friends" but I decided to tell you since I know you will deliver the message. Haha. I'm not bitter just ranting. But trust me, I know he knows the truth that's why he's not asking you. #17 04.10.15
Always thankful for the people who keep an open mind.
Been there, done that. Haha. I bet you hair will be green next time.
If you're not using that, I have another chance. #mantra
You should not use a word when you don't know how to show the meaning of it because even you use it gazillion times, it is not believable. Coming from you its thrice unbelievable.
Its hard to change the usual stuff but I'm not against on any change just do it small step at the time and it should be simple than complicated and, it should be practical.
Ha! Now I know. You're still immature. Grow up, man! #17
After having second thought, I decided to stick to my original plan. I just need a budget. YAY! -04.12.15
I'm so addicted to The Blacklist! Next time I'll talk about my TV series and my SEESTRA WILL BE BACK NEXT WEEK!!!!!
Your virus is spreading like Nutella and I'm not happy about it. Too insensitive.
Irritated eyes due to the weather. Hopefully I'll be okay later because I need to finish something. And this means no contact lens for days just glasses. :(
OMG. Thank you, Vail!
Someone just asked me if we are best friends, connect my hair color to yours and I got too defensive. I should stop being defensive when it comes to you because clearly, I'm still upset with this situation but I realized one thing, you're still immature. #17 04.21.15
We're ex-best friends. He wasn't my ex-boyfriend when he was telling everyone that I was once his girlfriend. When I knew that he was telling that to his friends, I just started to say too that he was my ex-boyfriend when all we know is the truth that we were just best friend. I will not lie about the emotional attachment that we have because it is real. I don't know if his wife know everything about it but I doubt that anyone knew what was our emotional attachment. Believe it or not, we haven't talk for so long and we never discuss things unless it was via text and mostly, I just try to figure it out by myself that's why I have gazillion unanswered questions. I'm not going to explain any further because it was over years ago and to people who know us both, what you see is what you get. #17 04.21.15
Don't assume that I don't want to, you don't have any idea how much I'm praying for it.
What was that dream all about? Its just a dream but that was..... 04.22.15
Pushing everyone away is your forte? I should have know.
Most of the time, I need time to be alone.
Your obsession with that is the reason why I hate it. Its just a color, how about your personality/attitude/manner?
I was the one who choose that. Why not just accept the fact that its the main thing? It will not change you anyway.
Different books, different stories, different situations but they gave me a few answer to my unanswered questions. #17
Can I get over with pink? I don't think so. Oh you haven't seen my pink docs/pink converse/pink vans/pink headphones/neon pink socks/iPad casing/pink havaianas!
Uhm, how about a petition?
Haha! Some people don't know how to be sneaky.
When you watch crime series, your expectations from a local TV show is so high or at least do something exciting most especially if its a gun-scene.
2 extra iPods feels like a new usb because your previous ones are almost full.
I'm so disappointed with you.
Apparently, no one understand your English carabao. I thought I was the only one. Haha. One day, you will just hit my bitchy button and there will be no advance notification.
It's so weird that there's an island called "execution island".
I have a lot of things to do today but first, dentist visit and I've been waiting for 30min now. Been waiting now for an hour... I should have bought my iPod. Zzzzz
You should know better than that!