Friday, October 22, 2021


Ahhh.... I just missed hanging out with friends so much

It was Gem’s birthday when I randomly asked on one of our group chat an update on when we will see each other again. No plans at all and I think it really works well when there is no plan.

Together with my cousin, we recently visit a famous art coffee shop nearby and I sent a photo to the group chat and they loved to go.

We planned to go there that weekend immediately one thing I worry is the weather.

If it was raining it is somehow not worth it as much as it is also so hassle to be in the mountain. 

I'm so anxious prior to that weekend because I keep asking myself "will I really be seeing my friends this weekend?".

And it happened. As much as I want to go somewhere else, I also don't want to be back in the City where there are a lot of people with less distancing for sure. It is still scary as if our cases are going down. 

I have nothing to worry about on where we will go as long as this time we can be able to catch up just like before for hours after not seeing each other for one year and 8 months. 

Since 2011, we never let it happened that long most especially with Gem. I can't remember what was the longest time that we didn't hangout. Maybe a month or two but never a year. 

It was one of the best days this year. Catching up with them, reminiscing the good old days, talking about basketball and how are we missing the UAAP, how in 2015 when we almost fucked up our friendship. Lol How we will always go around MOA just to find a place to eat but always ending on the same restaurant. We missed than really. 

That day was such a breather not just for me but for them too.

No plans yet on when will be the next one but one thing is for sure, it will not happen after a year.

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