mixed of Manic Panic and Good Dye Young
Your reasoning still doesn't make sense to me.
Be careful on what you are saying because you literally contradict the other thing you just said.
Phone call and music.
I've been unknown ever since but yeah, I exist.
Phone call and music plus eavesdropping. Lol. Not sure why you do it but I somehow like it. Thank you for letting me know that you are safe and sound tonight.
Why does his voice overpowered by the music on every single song of this new album. :(
Halsey! This album!!! #hfk
I don't get people saying that these bands changes. Listening to the new albums doesn't feel strange at all that I can still hear themselves in this.
Even how many times you say it, I still and will be forever be confused. Lol.
It used to hurt me but not anymore. I guess if you already make a mark it shouldn't be as hurtful as it is before.
Always mistaken as somebody else.
We gotta do what we have to.
Slowly killing my self on this short trip and they don't have any idea about it.
Always on the right time to save me. #21
In this life, you can't live by just hiding.
Maybe it happened because it wasn't treated fairly as far as I can remember.
I can't fcking think straight right now.
I'm huge believer of appreciating the little things but sometimes I also want to see the big ones.
One day, I want to travel with unlimited time.
Another night that I'm missing you so much, daddy. :(
When your phone tricked you. Hahaha.
My alter ego might be going back to Elyu. I'm jealous.
Why people makes me want to get married already? Like seriously it's something huge that I think I'm not ready yet. I still got some personal issue to fix before leveling up.
You don't need to treat them the same you were treated, it's your chance to make a change. Also your time to make something good.
I don't have any idea about it and I was blown away when I read the manual.
Let's not put it in a very technical way. Let's be practical and realistic.
It's been weeks when we get back from the out of town trip and I'm craving for a new one. :(
You can't protect them forever.
I'm trying my best not to stress eat again. / then here we go doing food trip. Hahaha
I'm hating this situation so much.
As much as I know it's for the better, thank you for just thinking about yourself.
I'm being so fragile this weekend and then this. Then I can't personally escape and I'm losing outlet so here are my tears and fuck it hello stress-eating self. 0617
Wrote all my random thoughts today. Hopefully when I post it I already passed that phase.
Another day that I want to drive away.
Sometimes you will follow but there will be the rare moment where you can be the game changer.
Don't pull me down that hole I already been through that this past week. Slow down sometimes because your ignorance is showing. Lol
Whatever you say, I'll take that blame because I believe it's the right thing to do.
Thank you for the pep talk. I know it's a very different scenario from your experience and I'm still trying to figure out how to connect it but I think it will work. And of course your usual reminder. :)
Hahaha. Stop laughing at me! But thank you for cheering me up, always. :)
Oh you want me to discuss social media? Come on, you're one of those people who are stuck in Facebook.
Thank you for that, it keeps on repeating on my head but I don't want to get fool since I know you have something big behind that. The trauma will not be lessen but you're such a comedian lately.
Hehe. Careful. I know you don't hear yourself most of the time but did you just caught yourself by the mouth?
Did I really heard myself saying yes? Lol. Hold on and let me laid in front of you the social media shits.
Despite of my own insecurities I can still be overprotective.
When people are not that observant.
I'm having a hard time talking about social media on my next blog post. It's exhausting but I think I have to do it.
That's how you work it. ;)
I did it again and you don't have any idea about it. :)) #21
Lesson learned. Don't wear skirt during busy days. Hahaha
Every single time it happen, it doesn't change. It blows my mind when I realize it. #21
I'm not a computer expert but I know what to do to avoid your play shit.
We all have our bad side don't praise like someone's perfect.
It's the last day of June? Whaaaaat.