For a year now, I tried and still trying to somehow control my purchases. My mom is a bit hoarder in life and it also shows on some family members and anyone can’t deny that. Lol.
After somehow revamping my room last year, I started to try to be a minimalist. I’m not saying that I’m minimalist now since at some point I’m still not qualified to being an extreme minimalist maybe I’m just at a beginner stage or maybe I'm a minimalist on my own little way. Well, being a minimalist doesn't have a rules that you have to follow before claiming to be one.
I tried to watch some minimalist Youtuber and I’m learning but I don’t agree with some of it.
I wanted to write about this for a long time now but it just hit me most just recently. Would you ever believe that I’m hating malls now? It’s too crowded for my introvert self and living few steps to a small SM makes our life a little bit easier. Not to mention, online shopping. :)
I went to Baguio and I didn’t bought a souvenir. baby steps
I’ve been to malls but I’m losing appetite to shop for the unnecessary things. If you see me at SM in this town mostly because I just need some refill on my stuff/I need to close my exercise ring/maybe its the time of the week to satisfy my potato corner or Jollibee cravings.
Mostly I’m at the grocery or Watson. Haha but I’m not buying the unnecessary ones just need my refills.
I even promised myself that I will not buy another batch of make up until I finished the current ones.
I don’t know how but if it’s unnecessary, I don’t buy it anymore. I shop online but also if I just need it. Lazada is the way for not to leave the house but still getting some satisfaction on shopping. If I can get it in Lazada then, I’m good but of course you have to know the difference in price or if its worth getting online. If you can’t get it anywhere nearby then buy it online 50 pesos for shipping is somehow same if you will be leaving the house. Might as well shop at the comfort of your own.
I’m proud to say that I can now go to the mall and not buy anything except of course to eat at a different restaurant from time to time. The thing that I do if I’m at the mall check the physical product and read the label and also roam at the grocery just to read label and waste time. Haha. so tita
That somehow even I watch some haul on Youtube, I don’t get jealous because at some point even if it is an investment, I know that at certain moments, they will still forget to use it.
To just decide if it is needed or not is the number 1 lesson. You have to put that in mind. Mind over matter on how it can work.
For a while now too, I’m very choosy on what to eat. I’m somehow lessen my unhealthy eating habit. I don’t go to full vegan or what because it’s expensive. I just control the Gong Cha since I made a hack on not to crave it. I stopped Starbucks but of course if friends asked to, I may order differently now. My chips are limited to once a week. I stopped soda years ago same with coffee.
One reason that I don’t go out much anymore because I know that I might messed it up. I saw this cute bag by a brand and not that expensive but I still have some small bags that I barely use and I don’t even usually use a bag on a daily basis. As long as my jeans have pockets, I’m good to go. (but it was cute and I’m sure I can use that somehow... lol real sturggle
I want to purchase a stationary bike but promised myself that I don’t need an equipment that will eat up space that I might not use on a daily basis. Stretching is a free-equipment exercise same with walking at SM for maybe 30 minutes.
I don’t go to salon for a haircut (I cut my own hair) or go for my underarm to be waxed since I can also do it myself and a service of it is almost the same price of a waxing kit that will last you longer than just 1 session. Just recently, I finally decide to buy an epilator for my underarm one best decision in life that will last for years as long as you take good care of it. I tried in on legs and it hurts and I don’t like it. I still buy a razor but 3 pieces will last for months.
So many things to share on how I’m trying to be minimalist in a way that I could. Somehow, I’m saving up with this idea and having the mindset of knowing which is needed and not is a good start.
I’m still having some impulsive buys from time to time and it always remind me to not do it again. It's hard to teach other people about it but if you want to do it on a possible way that you can just try.
You don’t need to buy every make up that’s being reviewed on YouTube might as well the things they haul. You don’t have to buy it even it always notify you that they are on sale or they are 50% off. Think of buying things that will be for a long term not just for a satisfaction of buying it and not use it for more that once.
If you can lessen the unnecessary then good.
Also, I’m avoiding to use my credit card even I know the importance of its usage sometimes.
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