Saturday, January 09, 2016

Should I?

First, Happy New Year and I hope you had a great holiday season :)

To write or not?

I received a planner and pencils during Christmas and even it's a simple thing I know it says something. Small gift with huge meanings... 

Is it okay to use a planner as a diary? It is clearly a "planner" not a "diary".

To be honest having gadgets that will alarm on a certain time and day to remind you of something is easy than to have a planner that you might left at home or somewhere else.And I can't put pictures in between sentences unlike posting here ... 

I know there will be days that will be dull but maybe I'll figure it out. We learn and discover new stuff everyday we are not just sure what it is sometimes.

Anyways, I'll try to decide before this month ends but it doesn't mean that I will not put some stories here. Some stories are good for sharing. And expect my monthly rant. Haha

Upon publishing this, I already decided to write and I just finish writing from January 1 - 8. Minimizing my rants and thoughts in a page or less is challenging but I still got this blog where I can share my stories and craziness. 

"We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect." ― Anaïs Nin

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